I am so very grateful to have serendipitously found Ron Harvey through a Google search. Our company was looking for a corporate leadership advisor, and Ron and team have more than delivered. Ron has been a coach not only to our leadership principals, and to me personally, but he has also helped individual members of our consulting team as they work collaboratively to realize their full potential as trusted advisors to our clients, and to grow in their personal and professional lives too.
We here at ScaleSec would highly recommend Ron and his team for sound and timely advice in a world that can use wise counsel as we all navigate business in a post-pandemic new world order. Happy to provide myself (via Ron) as a reference to anyone looking to hire his Global Core team too.
Marsha Wilson,
CEO, ScaleSec,
A SDVOSB Cloud Security Consultancy
The workshop provided by GCS has helped our team retain top talent, engaged in difficult conversations better, and make better decisions for all of our students. We are thankful to have had this opportunity to work with Ron Harvey and Mike Perry.
Antietam Elementary School
Leadership Team 2014-2015
“For months I felt like I was here; emotionally, spiritually and mentally lifeless. Physically, I was just existing, alive but not Living. Today, I am off the bench and back in the game of life, living and embracing the small wins daily. I owe my life transformation to GCS Consulting. Through their life coaching I am able to be a better me and develop the positive aspects of my professional and personal relationships. I honestly cannot thank you enough.”
Mr. Harvey,
Thank you very much for coming to my Orlando Army Recruiting Company and conducting a very high quality training that my organization desperately needed. My Soldiers were blown away by the concepts you used and the hands on exercises you conducted with them. They found the hands on exercises realistic, relevant and relatable. One of my Soldiers took content from your presentation and utilized it in his school presentation the following week. He was absolutely excited after the presentation and called me right away. He thanked me for inviting you to train the company and stated that this type of training was greatly needed and appreciated. He was able to secure 12 appointments in that single session and received requests from other teachers to return to the school to present the same material to other classes. We truly appreciate your time, efforts and expertise. Once again, thank you and GCS Consulting for your dedication and contribution to our company and our nation's effort to recruit the best for our Army's future.
CPT Maxine Reyes
US Army Recruiting Company, Orlando
Company Commander
"Admittedly, after having a lackluster coaching experience with my previous coach, I was somewhat ambivalent about entering another coaching experience. All doubt was removed from my mind within five minutes of speaking to Mr. Harvey. He was extremely helpful and served as a compass, navigating me through the Leadership Academy for Middle Managers (LAMM). He assisted me in clarifying and setting personal goals and held me accountable for mutually agreed upon action steps. He challenged my thinking/thought patterns in a supportive way and encouraged me to think of all possible outcomes and probable solutions. I am truly grateful and appreciative for him volunteering his time in order to ensure that I received the level of support required to be successful with the goals of my Change Initiative, as well as personal goals."
I first encountered Mr. Ron Harvey during a military education program at Fort Jackson, SC. His brief was both engaging and informative as are the majority of military training experiences. What set Mr. Harvey apart was his unspoken compassion and patience. After a thirty minute dialogue post brief with him, I departed the program and returned back to my assignment in Oregon.
Fast forward six months, I found myself in an organization that purposefully emplaced a high frequency of obstacles for me to independently overcome. Alone to negotiate this friction in the workplace, I reached out to Mr. Harvey for wisdom and patience. He afforded me a sounding board in which I solved my own issues through reflection. If it had not been for him affording me his time and compassion, my life would have been on another trajectory.
During that assignment I learned the true meaning of resiliency. Carefully emulating Mr. Harvey’s compassion and patience opened many more doors for me in the years proceeding the workplace friction.
The takeaway from this is two lessons. The first is that you will never agree with everyone. Surround yourself with steadfast people who are competent enough to help guide you to where God wants you to be. The second takeaway is that resiliency will open many more doors than you expected.
Signed, Thankful
The training from Global Core Consulting LLC has helped to catapult my Executive Leadership Team to the next level. Ron and Mike had an uncanny ability to adapt each training session to meet us exactly where we were and connect with us. As a result of their training my Executive Leadership Team’s willingness to engage in the tough conversations, hold people accountable and empower their staff is transforming my agency. I highly recommend their services!
Christopher H. McKinney
CEO/Executive Director, Santee-Lynches Regional Council of Governments
“Thank you for YOUR Service - The way you served our Country and the way today you serve your family, your clients, your colleagues and your friends. Thanks for the authentic partnership